XCOM 2: Battle music suite

Описание к видео XCOM 2: Battle music suite

This is a collection of different themes which play during combat in XCOM 2, you may have noticed the in-game music is dynamic depending on whose turn it is, I haphazardly stitched both XCOM and ADVENT tracks together to form a 20 minute assortment which will alternate between the two. It's mostly for me which is why I didn't put much effort into it unfortunately, it took roughly 8 minutes in audacity to make.

The songs are ripped from the game itself so I don't have any names for the tracks featured.

Thanks to Ali Gfx for ripping the music, credit goes to Timothy Michael Wynn who composed the XCOM 2 Soundtrack, you can purchase XCOM 2 on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/268...


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