What is “informed consent” in a clinical trial?

Описание к видео What is “informed consent” in a clinical trial?

Physicians explain what “informed consent” is in a clinical trial. Informed consent is the process of giving clinical trial participants all of the facts about a trial. Informed consent is greatly important because patients cannot participate in a study without their clear understanding of everything involved. Informed consent means that the patient is making an informed decision on their own, and understands all the risks and benefits for participating in a study. There is a verbal conversation that goes along with this and also a written document that patients must sign. Often researchers will make sure that the consent form is provided in the patients’ native language. The informed consent document is vetted thoroughly by an institutional review board (IRB) to make sure it’s not missing anything. Both the physician and the patient will sign the consent form, and then the next step is screening the patient for eligibility and if they qualify, moving forward with the clinical trial. To learn more visit: http://www.AnimatedPancreasPatient.com


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