Black Sesame and Roasted Soybean Flour Cookies

Описание к видео Black Sesame and Roasted Soybean Flour Cookies

I bought roasted soybean flour long time ago and left it unattended. Finally, I moved my butt. My room was filled with roasted soybean flour smell.
plant-based diet, hand-made, eggless, butterless
[About This Channel]
An eccentric picky eater's cooking vlog. Japanese subtitle is available.
[About Me]
Living in somewhere in Japan. I've been avoiding animal-based foods as much as possible for ages (at least since I was a child). However, I'm neither a vegan nor a vegetarian. My motto is "I eat what I want to eat".
iPhone 14 Pro
Koishiwara Ware
[Translated Title]


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