Kenya, Where I Belong

Описание к видео Kenya, Where I Belong

Kenya, Where I Belong – 27' 45''

“So, they find themselves confused and they say: ‘As long as my child is surviving, is alive, that’s enough.’ So, they don’t care about the school, they don’t care if the child is sick. That’s why you find many children on the street.”
Sister Purity Ndiwiga, Salesian Sisters, Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is a growing metropolis in which the majority of its 3 million residents suffer levels of extreme poverty. Children live in slums eking out a hand to mouth existence with schools often well beyond the financial means of most families. The result is that 9 out of 10 children fail to complete basic education. The situation is especially acute for girls. A 2006 Kenya National Adult Literacy Survey showed an average 38.5 % of the Kenyan adult population was illiterate. The Salesian Sisters run several schools providing education to street children with more than 600 boys and girls are currently receiving classes in primary and secondary schools and universities. This is their story.

Date of Production: 2019


This CRTN production was financed by the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need. More information can be found here:

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