Pure Land Buddhism Podcast Now Live

Описание к видео Pure Land Buddhism Podcast Now Live

I am a lay Shin Buddhist, not a scholar and not ordained, who entered the gate of the Pure Land “Nembutsu” practice (which is really a non-practice) more than 40 years ago in the context of a generic spiritual awakening. While I rely on Amida Buddha’s Primal Vow for my rebirth in His Western Paradise, I continue to appreciate and engage in various activities to share the wellspring of the Pure Land Teachings, namely Mahayana or Great Vehicle Buddhism. That said, I also have deep respect for the earlier Pali Canon teachings that in turn led to the Mahayana. In the new podcast described in this video, called “Exploring Pure Land Buddhism”, I informally share my perspectives on this profound and wonderful devotional path.

If you are interested, here is the url address to access these podcast episodes: https://acalaacala.podbean.com/ . I have not yet explored how to make my podcast accessible from other locations, such as iTunes or Google Play. However, I look forward to learning more about this popular way of sharing over the course of the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, I will close with the core expression of shinjin (true entrusting) within the Pure Land School, the Nembutsu: “Namu Amida Butsu”. -John


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