Dad's Army A question of reference Series 3 Episode 57

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represent arthur john, the messiah and clive dunn in dad's army, [ Applause, ], a question of reference featuring john larry, arnold ridley and ian lavender with this week's guest, larry martin and peter williams. [ Applause ] here is the news, and this is john snyder reading it.

It is june 1942, and by now Most of europe is caught up in the misery of war, as hitler. Attempts to become its supreme leader in britain times are hard. Food and raw materials are in short supply, but morale is still high.

This is especially true at the headquarters of the warmington on sea home guard, where captain mannering is delighted with his latest acquisition of brand new officer's great coat. Hmm Fetch me rather well. Come in sir.

I thought i'd just let you know that the men are all in full battle kits and ready to leave for the exercise whatever you like. Thank you wilson. Oh my goodness.

Yes, oh oh, it says a new grape coat. Yes, oh that's office smarts, that is specially tailored. Of course, trust me, eighteen guinness was really.

I Ought to get one like that myself, oh no! No! No! No! No! This sort of thing is for officers only yeah. Perhaps it might be by the way wilson close. The door, yes, I want to have a word with you yeah all right.

So yes, what is it sir? Well, it's about this exercise hq have asked us to be part of today I get that they're going to be using live ammunition. What about it? Sir? Well, to be honest, i'm a little worried about one or two of the older members of the platoon. We don't want any nasty accidents who are you thinking of in particular? Well, there have been times in the past, for instance, when i've wondered whether corporal jones wasn't far more of a threat to our safety than the enemy, as he does.

Rather let his enthusiasm carry him away. Yes, well this time, I want to make sure that his enthusiasm isn't Responsible for any of us being carried away. We don't want to hurt his feelings.

I realize that, but on the whole, i'd rather have jones's feelings. Hurt than my leg. Blown off yeah.

Is that what I said it's very natural, i'm at my legs. Oh, I see well anyway, i've thought of a little scheme which will effectively keep him out of the way and yet give him a sense of responsibility. What's that, sir, i'm Going to put him in charge of the vehicle park, the water? Well that isn't a vehicle park actually, but there is a small hut down the side.

Turning off the eastgate road, which the observer call used to use before they got their new place, it's been a tarmac outside and there's a field telephone. I reckon we can tell jones that he's in So charged with that and and drop him off there on the way to the exercise. Yes, but that means that one of us will have to take over driving.

His van is jones going to approve of that. Oh yes, yes, once i've convinced him how important his contribution is to the exercise i'd be willing to let even my wife drive his precious van she's not coming on the exercise: issues: [, Music, ]. No, i'm speaking metaphorically, Look kip jones in here with him all right, so now, josie uh pop in here a moment.

Will you make it an order? Will i'm starting yourself? You wanted me captain mandarin, yes jones, i've got i've, got a rather special job for you. Oh captain man and sir, I like it, I like it. I haven't tell you what it is yet.

No, the coacher i'd like you. Oh yes, it looks very smart. Thank you very much.

General kitchen had one similarly identical to delirio. Yes, so, except that this was blue, didn't have brass buttons, it was much longer. That's very interesting.

Now, don't say during today's exercise. I have a special job reserved for you. Oh, thank you very much, sir, and you may rest insured that whatever task you have in mind is quite safe with beta yeah.

Well, that was the general idea. Thank you jones i'll fill in the details During the journey. You can rejoin the others now.

Yes, thank you very much, sir. Thank you for being so cooperative. Don't mention it, sir! It's your job to command a mind to obey in your hands.

I am but putty did you say it was a bit potty. That's all right really, don't know i. I wasn't really listening.

Well, let's go and inspect the man all right settle down, for goodness sake. Well, he look at mannering in his fancy new great coat yeah, just like nelson eddie in the chocolate soldier. Now then, as you all know, today we're going to take part in a divisional exercise scheme, i'm very pleased to tell you that I have now been informed that live ammunition is going to be used.


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