Pumpkinless Cobless Setup | Night Endless

Описание к видео Pumpkinless Cobless Setup | Night Endless

This setup is ridiculously difficult. I would rate this above gloomless cobless because at least that one is consistent.

This setup has a lot of problems:
1. The footballs get ridiculously close to the glooms. This is actually kind of okay if you play it perfectly but if the timing of the instants are slightly off, then you're fucked

2. Jacks are extremely precise to deal with. This doesn't have 100% jack suppression. The intended timing of the instants do deal with jacks properly but sometimes the instants are forced to be delayed because jacks try to blow them up. Squash is also difficult to place because it's meant to be placed during the jack's grace period. I didn't do this correctly every time.

3. Gigas/gargs want to throw imps on column 4. This can be prevented but it makes it really annoying to play. You have to wait like 10-15 seconds before placing any instants. This is why I dragged out wave 1.

4. Imps can deal a little bit of damage to the glooms in the back. Not a big deal though.

5. Diggers and catapults deal a lot of damage to the tall-nuts. You are required to bring at least 3 cannon fodders if a wave has really high giga density so I didn't have enough slots for tall-nut. Row 1 tall-nut was close to death because of catapults.

6. Squash does very little damage to the row. It's only use is to kill footballs and jacks pretty much.

7. You can't bring grave buster and unlucky grave spawns can make the setup impossible.

8. Dps is very low. This felt like trying to play ice rain cobless (   • Ice Rain Cobless | Night Endless  ) except I only had 1 row of winter-melons.

9. The biggest issue for me. On wave 10, bungees need to be iced. This forces you to delay the ice-shroom. This means that if you were to keep playing normally, the ice-shroom would be forced to be delayed every single time it recharges. This allows the footballs to deal heavy damage to the gloom because it's iced late. The way I got around this was to delay wave 10 by like 3 seconds. It's really difficult to do this because you don't have a reference but also because footballs sometimes force you to doom-shroom at the normal time. Luckily, I only had 2 footballs on wave 10 so I was able to delay the wave like intended.

Still, this setup is the best you're gonna get.

Sequence: Card 2, Ice + Doom | Imitator Ice + Squash + Jala + Cherry 25:25
This sequence is extremely slow, this setup takes a long time to play. Took me about 2-3 hours but most of my attempts took like 3-5 minutes before I died so I got way less attempts within those 2-3 hours than usual.
Also, this has 100% digger suppression, the tall-nut is extremely clever.

If played correctly, you don't need to worry about sun. I lost 850 sun which is completely fine. Although, I played really cautiously and I didn't use any unnecessary cannon fodders. 850 sun is actually really good sun loss for this setup.

4:20 - Football dealt damage to the gloom on row 5 because dooms at 2-9 can't hit footballs at 5-7. I was prepared for that to happen but I didn't cannon fodder well enough.
6:54 - Football on row 1 dealt damage to gloom because my doom-shroom timing was late.
7:11 - Placed squash on row 5
7:23 - The squash on row 5 forced me to use cherry on column 7 instead of 8. This would have been fine because there's only gargantuars left but I accidentally placed it on row 1 instead of row 2 so the football dealt damage to the gloom on row 3 🤦‍♂️


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