Plantless..? | Night Endless

Описание к видео Plantless..? | Night Endless

This is actually a really cool "setup". The idea is to try and survive while starting with no plants on the lawn. Upgrade plants are allowed they just aren't the best idea in night

This is obviously impossible to play endlessly because it takes tens of thousands of sun every single round. However, you can get this to work if you turn sun off.
This is also impossible without placing any io plants. IO plants are plants other than instants that deal damage to the zombies. Examples are glooms, fumes, melons, starfruits, etc. The gigas can somewhat be killed without any io plants but the imps will get through. Tall-nut can't reload fast enough.

Sequence: Card 2, Ice + Doom | Imitator Ice + Squash + Jala + Cherry
Start by placing starfruits on column 2 and melons on row 4 and work your way up.
Waves can also spawn early in the second half which is why I started deleting plants.

Make sure not to use any extra squashes because it won't reload fast enough for the squash + jala + cherry waves. Also make sure the squash and cherry bombs always hit the footballs.

Giga- Biggest threat. Damage is extremely low so they can get pretty deep into your defense. Squash is shit at dealing damage to large crowds so whichever row you use squash for is gonna have a lot of pressure. If you're really advanced, you should switch which row you use squash so the damage on each row is more even but I'm bad.
Gigas also shoot imps which can be really annoying. If too many imps are shot at once, the entire back of your defense can just collapse within a couple seconds. If you haven't lined up column 1 with tall-nuts yet, they can just walk right into the house if all of the starfruits have been eaten.

Jack- The reason I paused so much was because jacks will blow up your instants with no hesitation. If you do the math, cherry bombs, jalapenos and doom-shrooms have 0.1 seconds of lenience to jack explosions. If you place any of those plants within 0.1 seconds after a jack starts it's explosion, it will be safe. This means that as long as you pause to check if any jacks have started exploding, you can instantly place the instant and be safe. If you don't pause, it's completely luck based because our reaction time isn't fast enough. Squashes aren't safe from jacks though so you're meant to place them within a jacks "safe zone". I'm bad though so I didn't always do that right.

Footballs- They are extremely dangerous if they aren't killed by your instants. Doom-shroom usually kills them unless you have a really bad placement but squash and cherry-bomb aren't very good at killing them. Cherry bomb requires really precise timing in order to hit the gigas and the footballs at the same time. Squash requires really good awareness because you need to place it at the right time and the right place in order to him them. It's also possible for squashes to squash the wrong direction so the footballs survive.

Diggers- Diggers are just overall annoying and don't really do anything except distract you. They eat your tall-nuts and starfruits which allows the imps to walk into the house.

Catapults- Extremely annoying. They just shoot their basketballs onto the tall-nuts and starfruits until there's nothing left.

Plantless is possible in all 6 endless modes although I'm not sure if I'm gonna be playing this for all 6 because they're all really similar.


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