Yellow River Piano Concerto 黄河钢琴协奏曲 - Asian Cultural Symphony Orchestra 亚洲文化乐团

Описание к видео Yellow River Piano Concerto 黄河钢琴协奏曲 - Asian Cultural Symphony Orchestra 亚洲文化乐团

Conductor: Dedric Wong Deli 黄德励 指挥
Pianist: Victor Ong 王俊霖

Based on the Yellow River Cantata by Xian Xinghai
Arranged by Yin Chengzong, Chu Wanghua,
Liu Zhuang, Sheng Lihong, Shi Shucheng, Feixing

盛礼洪、石叔诚、斐星 改编

5 Aug. 2016 NAFA Lee Foundation Theatre, Singapore


The Yellow River Piano Concerto is a piano concerto arranged by a collaboration of musicians including Yin Chengzong, Zhuang Liu and Chu Wanghua, etc. from Central Philharmonic Society ( now China National Symphony Orchestra), based on the Yellow River Cantata by composer Xian Xinghai. Since its premiere in 1969, the Concerto has become popular in China and amongst overseas Chinese. It is noted for a difficult solo part. The German musicologist Carl Dahlhause once wrote that “[t]he heyday of virtuosity began with Paganini’s tours of the European capitals in the early 1830s and ended in September 1847 when Liszt abandoned his career as a pianist.” Thus, it is not surprising for Japanese composer Toru Takemitsu to remark after listening to the concerto: “How could a nation as great as China come up with a composition as such!” The concerto, being a collective composition characteristic of China, was even recorded by the Philadelphia Orchestra. The Yellow River Piano Concerto stands out for its historical, political, and economical significance in 20th-century Chinese music history.

The composer, Xian Xinghai, wrote the Yellow River Cantata in Yan’an in 1939 during the Anti-Japanese War; it was reputedly written in just six days in a cave. r. It is an eight-movement piece in which he used traditional folk-melodies and evoked the image of the Yellow River as a symbol of Chinese defiance against the Japanese invaders. During his stay in Russia, he edited and re-orchestrated the work, which was later modified by Li Huanzhi, Qu Wei and Yan Liangkun. This edition aimed at furthering the energy and momentum of the music, and in this light, the rearrangement of the Yellow River Piano Concerto thirty years later is a continuation of that same practice. The concerto is made up of four movements.

I. Prelude: The song of the Yellow River Boatmen
II. Ode To the Yellow River
III. The Yellow River In Anger
IV. Defend the Yellow River







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