Rueibin Chen 陳瑞斌 ,The Yellow River Piano Concerto 黃河鋼琴協奏曲

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Rueibin Chen 陳瑞斌 , The Yellow River Piano Concerto 黃河鋼琴協奏曲

I. 黃河船夫曲 Yellow River Boatman's Song
II. 黃河頌 Ode to the Yellow River
III. 黃河憤 The Wrath of the Yellow River
Iv. 保衛黃河 Defend the Yellow River

Piano : Rueibin Chen
conductor: Tung-Chieh Chuang
The Taipei Chinese Orchestra
Taipei Traditional Arts Festival 2016

RUEIBIN CHEN Concert Pianist

Mr. Rueibin Chen's distinguished career as an internationally-acclaimed pianist has earned him a reputation for technical brilliance, immense energy, and intense artistic expression.

He was the opening soloist in the 2010 World Expo in China, performing the Yellow River Concerto. Critics hailed it as the best performance of the iconic piece in its history. In 2014 he performed with L.A. Philharmonic at the huge Hollywood Bowl to a sold-out audience. In 2015 he is invited to perform with Pacific Symphony at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in S. Cal. His masterful performances of Rachmaninoff's complete piano concertos (including the Paganini Rhapsody Op. 43) in two consecutive nights at Taiwan's National Concert Hall garnered significant critical acclaim. The performance was considered to be "the first of its kind and has left a sensational imprint in the minds of the overflowed audience." Such praise befits "one of those geniuses that come along once in twenty years." (Neue Zürcher Zeitungem)

A Austrian born in Taiwan, Chen won a total of eighteen medals, including five gold medals which were won before the age of 20, in various international piano competitions in Tel Aviv (Rubinstein), Warsaw (Chopin), Salt Lake City (Bachauer), Vienna, Manresa, and Italy (Rome, Bellini, and Stresa), just to name a few.

He has appeared as soloist with many orchestras around the world, including the L.A. Philharmonic, Pacific Symphony, Utah Symphony, Polish National Radio Symphony, Budapest Symphony, Prague Symphony, Czech State Philharmonic of Brno, Moscow State Symphony, Russian State Symphony, Singapore Symphony, New Philharmonia Japan, China National Symphony, Shanghai Symphony, Taiwan Philharmonic, Taipei Symphony, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, and London Chamber Players, among others. He has worked with many renowned conductors, such as Sergiu Comissiona, Antoni Wit, Pavel Kogan, Joseph Silverstein, and András Ligeti.

Chen tours regularly throughout the world, performing in major concert halls such as Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center in NYC, Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., Walt Disney Concert Hall in L.A., Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco, Jack Singer Concert Hall in Calgary (Canada), Musikverein and Konzerthaus in Vienna, Gewandhaus in Leipzig, Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Opera de Monte Carlo, Warsaw Philharmonie, Bolshoi Hall in Moscow, F. Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv, Suntory Hall in Tokyo, National Performing Arts Center (Taipei), National Center for the Performing Arts (Beijing), Shanghai Oriental Art Center, Hong Kong Cultural Center, and the Sydney Opera House.

Further information can be found at:
  / rcpianist

奧地利華裔鋼琴家陳瑞斌(Rueibin Chen) 出生於台灣,是已故俄羅斯鋼琴大師貝爾曼(Lazar Berman)唯一的亞裔弟子。 他那被稱為“天使手指 ” 的彈奏技巧、敏銳的音樂性、自然與熱情的舞台魅力,深受樂迷們喜愛。大師費雪迪斯考曾為文讚譽他的彈奏技巧;西班牙鋼琴家阿利西亞拉蘿佳則形容,他那大師般的演奏氣魄壯麗偉大,充滿信服力。波士頓環球報、洛杉磯時報、新蘇黎士報、奧地利信報(Kurier)、維也納日報、薩爾茲堡新聞報的樂評,都對他有極高的評價。

十六歲就在義大利的拉赫瑪尼諾夫 (Rachmaninoff)國際鋼琴大賽獲獎嶄露頭角,之後陳瑞斌屢屢在重量級國際鋼琴大賽獲勝,取得包括魯賓斯坦 (以色列)、蕭邦 (波蘭)、 Bachauer (美國)、維也納 (奧地利)、Manresa 貝多芬獎 (西班牙)、以及義大利的羅馬、貝里尼、Stresa 等比賽大獎。
擔 任 其 國 立 Moldova Iasi 及 Tirgu Mures 愛樂管陳瑞斌合作過的樂團還包括波蘭國家電台、布達佩斯、洛杉磯愛樂、美國猶他州立、太平洋交響樂團、莫斯科國立、俄羅斯國家、德國哥庭根、布拉格、捷克布爾諾(Brno)國立愛樂、羅馬尼亞的各大交響樂團、雅典國家、日本新愛樂、新加坡、中國國家交響樂團、上海、倫敦室內樂團等。 在維也納演奏會堂大廳首演之後,陳瑞斌即經常受邀在知名國際藝術節演奏,例如薩爾茲堡藝術節、北德國的 Schleswig-Holstein 音樂節、維也納春季藝術節、香港音樂節、莫斯科拉赫瑪尼諾夫藝術節、捷克亞納捷克(Janáček)藝術節、羅馬尼亞各大藝術節、台北音樂節、台北藝術節、及紐西蘭奧克蘭國際鋼琴藝術節等。

冠蓋雲集的 2014 年北京國際電影節開幕,他是唯一受邀演出的獨奏家,2017 年首位台灣出生藝術家受邀中國大陸春晚演出並創下收視第一,近十億人口觀賞。臺北市政府- 2019跨年晚會登台演出。

#Yellow River#黃河鋼琴協奏曲


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