Crisis De-Escalation & Conflict Resolution Training

Описание к видео Crisis De-Escalation & Conflict Resolution Training

Learn Crisis de-escalation/conflict resolution skills to successfully de-escalate behavioral health crisis incidents. This one-hour training is part of the Foundation for Recovery Faith-Based Initiative series.

Conflict resolution and crisis de-escalation skills are useful to have as individuals, communities, and within our own temples, churches, and masjids, as we engage with a variety of individuals who enter our doors seeking community, safety, and love. We hope that learning these skills will give you the confidence to serve everyone.


Foundation for Recovery’s Faith-Based Initiative has partnered with Pastor Greg Delaney to launch an interfaith training program for faith communities in Nevada to foster a greater understanding of topics such as sex trafficking, trauma, mental health, substance use, and recovery supports.

In these classes, the presenters will share strategies for collaboration between faith-based prevention and recovery organizations and traditional community recovery providers. Attendees will learn about different approaches to effective collaboration to better serve the needs of individuals and families impacted by substance use disorder.

Toolkits and links to training opportunities (live and virtual) are also provided on topics like stigma, effective prevention, medically assisted treatment integration, navigating doctrinal and theological differences between partners, and building bridges between traditional community services and their faith-focused counterparts.


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