Six of Swords in 3 Minutes

Описание к видео Six of Swords in 3 Minutes

Six of Swords: A journey through a difficult time. Navigating turbulence, using your strength and acumen to steer yourself and those you love from one point to a specific destination. There is anxiety which cannot be shaken but it isn’t stopping you. If you are taking care of others, don’t expect them to be in a position to assist you. Silence as you proceed. This isn’t noisy. Determination.

Six of Swords Best Course of Action: Don’t let your anxiety or worries hold you back. Even if you cannot shake them, choose to move forward. There is a lot you are managing at this time. Others might be depending on you. Trust that even though things are turbulent right now, you are moving to smoother waters. Be persistent; don’t get bogged down, keep your eye on the finish line. If you are feeling overwhelmed, let another you trust take over for a while so you can regroup.

Six of Swords Reversed: Your boat/your world, getting rocked. What was anticipated to be a long, slow journey has encountered unexpected storms. Encountering unexpected headwinds. Turbulence. Those you are trying to help challenging you. Getting bogged down in arguments or anxiety.

Six of Swords Reversed Best Course of Action: It may be time to rock the boat! Have you been slugging it out for so long that you have lost you way? Ask for help. Enlist the aid of others. You may need to unload some baggage, especially assumptions from your past. Examine what you truly need with you. It may take the engagement of every muscle at your disposal to get where you need to go…but this is not an indefinite situation.


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