【蒼姫ラピス - Aoki Lapis】NO WORDS【Original】

Описание к видео 【蒼姫ラピス - Aoki Lapis】NO WORDS【Original】

Freezer strikes back with some Aoki Lapis hard trance. READ FOR MORE ↓↓↓

Say, remember the upload from a short while ago by Freezer titled Sky Ended Luminosity Remix? It was easily the most impressive track I had heard from him to date. Now I'm in love with him because he just made a piece in my favorite style: Hard Trance.

Hard trance with Vocaloids is particularly difficult to come by. My absolute favorite track in this genre is Lost Key, simply due to how unique the style is. This piece isn't the same, but it comes close. So I gotta thank Freezer for that.

I reused an old visualization from a past video because I couldn't find or make anything that seemed to fit better with the image. But I did tweak the color scheme so that it turns from green to dark blue depending on how heavy the song is.

The website of Freezer is listed below, as well as the soundcloud page for the free download. If you like it, PLEASE leave a comment on his soundcloud page! If the download limit runs out, please tell me and I'll add a new download source.

EDIT: That was fast. The download limit has run out. Freezer now provides the song with a free EP album linked below.

MP3: http://fsr.jpn.org/ep/fsep004.zip

Website: http://fsr.jpn.org/

Soundcloud:   / no-words-feat-aoki-lapis  

Image: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph...


黒い空 照らす月夜


Kuroi sora
Terasu tsukiyo
Hoshi ga matataki kaze ga nabiku
Jakujo to hibiku kodo
Hurete wa toke kieru guzo

Hitomi mitsume sizuka ni yureru
Hikari dake Tsutsunde yuku
Hiroi sora no shita de me wo toji
Kotoba mo naku


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