Deaf Woman Helps Another Deaf Girl to Meet Family After 20 Years | ISH News

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This is an example of how positive use of social media can make a big difference in life. A Deaf girl from Tamil Nadu was separated from her family. Her deaf friend used social media to reunite the young woman with her family after 20 years. It sounds like a movie story, right? But it is a real story of a Deaf girl. Let me tell you about it.

Ramaiah Sadamshetty was from Gundalahalli village, a small village in Tamil Nadu. At the age of 10, she went to another village for a fair and there she was separated from her parents. Being Deaf and not knowing where to go, frightened, she boarded the train and directly reached Mumbai. After arriving in Mumbai, she didn't know anyone, and she didn't understand the language they spoke (Hindi and Marathi). She started looking for shelter wherever she could in Mumbai. A social organization found her. She stayed at this institution. She even completed her education till 12th and after that started working. Many events unfolded during this stretch of time. Time had moved fast. Many years had passed. During this period, Ramaiah had preserved one memory of the family. i.e. the childhood photo of her with both of her brothers, which she had kept carefully with her.

It was during her time at the institution, she met a social activist, Renuka Nangre from Pune at a program organized for the Deaf in Mumbai. Renuka is herself Deaf and works for the Deaf Welfare. Ramaiah and Renuka became good friends. A few years ago Renuka helped her in a molestation case. Later Ramaiah decided to come to Pune due to some unavoidable reason and got in touch with Renuka and she started living with her in Pune. Once while chatting, Ramaiah told Renuka about her family. She showed her a childhood photo of her's with her brothers. Renuka then decided to help her friend find her family.

Renuka took a picture of this photo on her mobile. After that, she started sending her photos and information to various groups in Maharashtra and all over India and even abroad to the people who were working for Deaf individuals. Renuka started gathering information about Ramaiah's family using social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Internet etc. After two months of hard work, they got some information about Ramaiah's brothers. Renuka contacted them and informed her brothers about her. Her family could not believe it and was overjoyed when Ramaiah was found. Her father had given up the hope that his daughter would be found back.

Ramaiah's brothers immediately reached Pune. Renuka sought the help of Assistant Inspector Sameer Wagh of Talegaon Police Station. He contacted the Tamil Nadu police. Ramaiah recognized her brothers at first sight and hugged them in front of the police. This heartfelt meeting of brothers and sister brought tears to everyone's eyes, including the police. After the police checked all the documents and confirmed that they were relatives of each other, only then Ramaiya was handed over to her brothers.

Ramaiah left for Tamil Nadu with her brothers and even took Renuka along. Gundalahalli village had a festive atmosphere. Renuka was felicitated by the villagers. All thanks to Renuka’s two months of tireless efforts, Ramaiah was finally able to meet her parents and brothers after 20 long years.

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