酒釀桂圓核桃麵包 ~ Red Wine Longan Walnut Bread

Описание к видео 酒釀桂圓核桃麵包 ~ Red Wine Longan Walnut Bread



高筋麵粉 220g
紅酒 150ml
糖 30g
鹽 3g
酵母 3g
無鹽奶油 20g
桂圓 50g
核桃 40g

Bread flour 220g
Red wine 150ml
Sugar 30g
Salt 3g
Yeast 3g
Unsalted butter 20g
Longan 50g
Walnuts 40g


1. Put the walnuts in the oven and bake for about 3 minutes. Once done, take them out and let them cool
2. Wash the dried longan and drain it. In a small pot, add in red wine and longan and boil it for about 3 minutes. Soak it in the refrigerator overnight
3. Take it out of the refrigerator the next day, pour out the red wine, and keep the longan for later use
4. The cast iron pot used in this video is one with an 18 cm diameter

2.在攪拌機中依次放入高粉、糖、酵母、鹽、及浸泡過濾出的紅酒液120ml(如果不足請補足至120ml), 再將所有材料攪拌均勻。

1. Put the dried longan in a small pot and add in red wine. Put the pot on the stove and boil it on low heat. Put it in the refrigerator and let it soak overnight (Same as preparation step 2)
2. Soak and filter the red wine from preparation step 3. Measure the amount of red wine, if it is not 120ml then add until it reaches that amount. Next, put the bread flour, sugar, yeast, salt, and red wine in the blender. Make sure all ingredients are mixed evenly
3. Put the softened butter in the mixing bowl and continue mixing until the dough is transparent
4. Add in walnuts and the soaked longan into the dough and mix well
5. The finished dough is very wet and soft. So with the assistance of some powder and a spatula, it can be easily sorted into a round shape by hand. Once done, put it in a container and cover it with a cloth. Let it ferment for 60 minutes
6. Once finished, reshape the fermented dough again, as shown in the video. Put the dough on top of a baking paper that is slightly larger than the bread dough, put it in the container again, and let it ferment for the second time for 50 minutes
7. Put the cast iron pot into an oven and preheat it to 190 degree
8. Once the dough is fermented, sprinkle some bread flour on the surface of the dough, and then cut it with a knife as shown in the video
9. Take out the cast iron pan and put the dough in the pan. Next, put the pan in the oven and bake it at 190 degrees for 20 minutes
10. When the time is up, take off the lid and continue to bake for another 25 minutes at 200 degrees
11. Finally, take it out of the oven when it is done, and let the bread cool. ENJOY!

Music from Tunetank.com
AndyWarner - Deck The Halls Jazz (Copyright Free Music)
Download free: https://tunetank.com/t/27so/5806-deck...

#酒釀桂圓麵包 #歐式麵包 #酒釀桂圓核桃麵包 #核桃麵包 #酒釀麵包 #桂圓麵包 #桂圓 #核桃 #Napa酒鄉紅酒 #napavalley #養生麵包 #RedWineLonganWalnutBread #LonganWalnutBread #WalnutBread #longanbread #longanbreadrecipe #walnutbreadrecipe #longanwalnutbreadrecipe #breadrecipe #chinesebreadrecipe #taiwanbreadrecipe #redwinelonganbread #christmasbread #christmasbreadrecipe #christmasbreadideas #taiwanlonganwalnutbread #breadrecipies #healthybread #healthybreadrecipes


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