Driver Walkthrough Part 4: Bitter Rivals

Описание к видео Driver Walkthrough Part 4: Bitter Rivals

After meeting Castaldi, Tanner continues to build up his reputation in San Francisco's criminal underworld by taking and completing more jobs, including intimidating an unruly businessman by driving recklessly around Downtown San Francisco while posing as his taxi driver and helping an associate of another criminal escape the city by delivering him to an waiting helicopter. However, his street informant Mojo is soon kidnapped by a group of criminals who force Tanner into giving them 10 thousand dollars in exchange for Mojo's life, also drawing him into a "game" of racing to answer three different ringing payphones in the city, eventually leading him to an area near Golden Gate Bridge where criminals finally bring Mojo and release him unharmed after Tanner hands over the ransom. As they leave, Mojo confirms that the criminals simply kidnapped him in order to get the money without any ulterior motives beyond that and tells Tanner that his own inquiry into Castaldi's associates revealed that he works with Dan Hancock, a politician currently working to get elected as the next President of the United States. He also warns him that Rusty Slater's dislike and distrust towards Tanner hasn't lessened, telling him to be careful around him. True to Mojo's warning, while reviewing the files in his safehouse after saving Castaldi's associate from police ambush, Tanner overhears someone's footsteps near its enterance. Realizing that Slater is likely spying on him, Tanner chases after him in order to prevent him from outing him as an undercover police officer with a brief car chase through the streets of San Francisco ending with Slater rammed off the road and his car wrecked. That same evening, Tanner is visited by two thugs working for Castaldi who inform him that Slater was arrested after being rammed off the road earlier that day. With Castaldi having grown suspicious of the circumstances that led to Slater's "accident" and arrest but unable to prove Tanner's involvement, Tanner is told that Castaldi wants him to work exclusively for his organization and that the organization is relocating to Los Angeles in order to further its activities...


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