Toshiba eStudio 5055 Develper Rebuild

Описание к видео Toshiba eStudio 5055 Develper Rebuild

Toshiba eStudio 5055 Develper Rebuild

Models covered:
2555/3055/3555 Low Speed
4555/5055 High Speed

This video covers the rebuild of the drum units and developer units. These units are broken down into high and low speeds, you can tell the difference between the two with the covers for the drum and developer units, they have small markers on the covers that show what speed the unit is. The PM kits can be used for any speed they are simply seperated by color, the black PM kit contains the items needed for a rebuild of the black drum and dev units and the color PM kit contains the items needed for a rebuild of all 3 color drum and dev units.

6LJ70583000 DEV-KIT-FC50K
PM kit for the black drum and dev units.

6LJ70582000 DEV-KIT-FC50CLR
PM kit for the color drum and dev units.

6LJ70598000 OD-FC50
Drum part number for the drum unit.

To rebuild a complete set of drum and dev units you will need 1 of each PM kit and 4 drums.


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