To investigate the effect of temperature on enzyme activity

Описание к видео To investigate the effect of temperature on enzyme activity

To investigate the effect of pH on enzyme activity:
The enzyme used in the three experiments focused on the rate of activity is Catalase which is obtained from celery, its substrate is Hydrogen Peroxide its product is oxygen (seen as foam in the graduated cylinder as the oxygen is trapped by the washing up liquid) and water.
All three experiments are set up using the same volume of catalase solution (obtained by blending some celery), pH buffer and a few drops of washing up liquid in a graduated cylinder. The same volume of hydrogen peroxide is then added to the graduated cylinder and the rate of activity is measured by tracking the volume of foam produced per min after adding the hydrogen peroxide

• The pH is different for each graduated cylinder by using pH buffers of different value.
• The temperature is kept the same by using a water bath at 25°C
Result: pH buffer 9 works best (greatest volume of foam produced per min).


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