Mental Asylum Treatments Tierlist

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Mental asylum treatment tierlist transcript
Ever think to yourself that you might be crazy, well you can never really know, what if, what you experience as your everyday life is just your coma dream because of that motorcycle accident that happened 5 years ago, sometimes you can hear your real daughter call out to you faintly begging you to wake up. Only for it to fade away again as you fall back into the grip of what you believe is reality. Anyway, that’s unlikely right? Yea today we are here to talk about real crazy people and the crazy things that we used to do to them. Yes we will be talking about mental asylum treatments and putting them in a tierlist, the rankings go from bring it back which is treatments that honestly we could start using again, Somewhat Effective which are for treatments that have some benefits that may be useful for us to use, Experimental is where they were really trying anything to see what would stick, More harm than good which is obviously for treatments that either just caused harm with no benefit or where the underlying issue was treated but it came with a litany of more problems. And finally the last tier is basically torture which was basically torture if you couldn’t work that out. Now before we get into It I just want to say that the study of and treatment of mental conditions used to be called alienism which was like 10x more cooler than psychiatry but we are living in the uncool timeline I guess. Treatment 1 is Humoral treatment which was one of the earliest types of treatments in medicinal history it was the theory that humans had 4 humours which were essentially fluids that were blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm and it was imbalances in these humours that led to conditions like insanity or depression or other mental conditions. Hippocrates invented the theory of humoural imbalance in 450 BC, you know the guy behind the Hippocratic oath the whole “do no harm” yea this treatment only did harm as the 4 humours aren’t really responsible for much and you cant really have too much of any of them as your body regulates them fine itself. But for those who believed it they employed the use of blood letting which is where they would tap a vein to drain blood, put you in a vomit machine which was a small box that was suspended and was attached to a crank for maximum spinning to make you nauseous enough to puke, and the most deranged was using sulfuric acid to burn the skin and force blood plasma to the surface to reduce phlegm. Anyways this is going into the more harm than good tier I mean it should probably go into a all harm no good tier but listen we had to cut back on the budget and we could only afford 5 tiers so take it or leave it I guess. Water treatments, so this is going to be all the different deranged ways that people tried to use water to cure mental illnesses. I mean it starts relatively mundane with the use of cold water showers and baths to calm down aggressive patients and warm water to sooth patients, this doesn’t sound all that bad to be fair until you realise that if the patients didn’t respond well to the primary treatments as they often did they would then basically turn to water torture. How fun, they would tie the patient naked to a chair and pour buckets of cold water on them or spray them in the face with ice cold water and this would occur on regular intervals for hours sometimes days. Really all they needed to do was add a cloth over their head and then boom you got modern waterboarding which was banned by the Geneva convention for being way too cruel. If your treatment is only one step away from a human rights violation then it is pretty obvious its not going to work. the water torture I mean treatment is going into the basically torture tier I don’t have explain anymore as to why hopefully. This treatment I can only really call experimental surgery because that’s all it really was, it was performed by a man called henry cotton who thought that infected tissues and organs led to mental illness, so he would remove them, he would often pull rotten teeth which he believed caused madness related illnesses, all without modern anaesthetics by the way they just gave them cocaine which is something I guess, when that didn’t work, obviously, he believed it was due to the saliva and decided to remove their tonsils too. If you think this was bad, he also removed spleens, ovaries, stomachs, small intestines, appendixes, gallbladders, thyroid glands and colons in fact he had a specialty of removing colons, I say specialty very loosely as his patients often died due to infection, a colectomy in this day and age can have complications with internal bleeding etc imagine having this man up in your guts in the


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