Redpill Tierlist

Описание к видео Redpill Tierlist

Life is all about choices, you might believe there is just the two choices to be made but often times you will realise that the even believing that there were only 2 choices was a choice in itself. I often flip between the idea that with the correct series of choices anything can happen as well as the fact that no matter the choice the outcome is always the same. Today we are going to be looking into and ranking the different choices that people have through the form of red and blue pills along with their variations, the tierlist will be a standard one going from S to D tier. We will start with the basics and get more esoteric as we go along, and if you think I’m making some of these pills up then clearly you are just soypilled, cuckpilled and historywillneverrememberyournamepilled. Starting off with the blue pill the blue pill is the choice of ignorance, to be willingly and continually led astray despite the offer of truth before you. You will probably see a lot of terminally online people use the term to disparage any “normies” and criticise their choice of not wanting to look beyond the primary layer when it comes to what the so called truth is in the world. Maybe im just cuckpilled but if I was actually neo in the matrix movies giving up a pretty chill life as a programmer to go and nearly die fighting robots that own the matrix doesn’t sound to appealing to be honest and I might not be as eager to go down the rabbit hole as he was, Like yea let me just leave my chill apartment and go eat slop in the sewers whilst evading giant machine sentinels that wait for it can see electrical output whilst you yes you are onboard a flying electrical shitbox. Whos genius idea was it to do that btw, I get you need electricity and whatnot but you can’t expect me to believe that that is the only option to just continually run around until they found the one in neo. Also, the biblical references in the matrix are pretty funny, the ships name is Nebuchadnezzar and let me just tell you that the real Babylonian king was not a fan of the people of zion so its pretty stupid to name the ship that smuggles the matrixes freedom fighters after the guy who systematically destroyed the people that they represent. But Yea the blue pill is for those who don’t care or want to dive too deeply into worldly affairs and are happy to be in their own bubbles which I cant hate them for but its still going to go into the C tier. The red pill is the choice to embrace and publicly accept the “uncomfortable truths” regardless of the consequences of that choice. Usually, people would describe themselves as based and redpilled, in the matrix the red pill was the pill to take if you wanted to know the real truth about the fake world that they were living in, today the red pill has been highjacked by boomers and old people who think that’s what the current cool thing is and they use the term incorrectly whenever possible. Same with the phrase f around and find out, if I see another goddamn boomer post f around and find out after a woman gets beaten for no reason I’m about to lose it. In fact, I’m going to fast track my next video to be about boomers because as of recent they have really started to become annoying. And the funniest thing about it is that if you actually gave a boomer a real red pill their heart would give out and you would need to give them an elephant’s dose of heart medication just to avoid manslaughter charges. Id like to add that manosphere content is just as cringe but for now im focussing on boomers. Even though it is highjacked and now less cool ill still put it one above the blue pill in the B tier. The black pill is our next pill, it represents the choice of accepting that things are horrible and will not change. Some science nerds have tried to associate the incel ideology with the black pill and to some extent it is true, however, you don’t necessarily need to be an incel to be blackpilled a lot of black pilling can come from just negative views on life in general not necessarily to do with relationships. You also don’t necessarily need to be completely blackpilled either as you can hold some beliefs that are blackpilled without having no hope for the future.


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