Decorah Eagles ~ AMAZING Mom Brings In 2 Fish In 6 Minutes & Feeds Her Well Behaved Eaglets! 5.1.20

Описание к видео Decorah Eagles ~ AMAZING Mom Brings In 2 Fish In 6 Minutes & Feeds Her Well Behaved Eaglets! 5.1.20

Mom Decorah is nothing short of amazing raising her triplets again this season. With the fish hatchery so close, she can literally fly off the nest, catch a fish and be back in a minute with fresh sushi for her family!

Mom flies in with the first fish and feeds her very well behaved and well fed eaglets. They all have full crops - a testament to the excellent parentage of Mom and DM2. When the fish is gone, she flies off the nest and returns with a second fish and serves that up. Look at how big the eaglets have gotten!! D34 & 35 are 26 days old and D36 is 23 days old today! Thank you for watching!

Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk

Special thanks to RRP and for allowing us the opportunity to view these amazing eagles.

The website link and to view the cam can be seen here:


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