Toccata from Widor’s 5th Symphony - York Minster

Описание к видео Toccata from Widor’s 5th Symphony - York Minster

I decided to record this very famous Toccata on the absolutely stunning organ of York Minster, partially down to the fact when Francis Jackson played it for the wedding of the Dutch and Duchess of Kent it made it be one of the most infamous pieces of organ music ever composed, and also because it’s a very big piece on a very big organ!!! At the end I do go full organ even including the solo reeds (minus the tuba mirabalis obviously) which was just such a huge and beautiful sound it’s hard to explain with words!

I do realise that there are quite a few mistakes which I am very aware of, but I just wanted to just show you the sheer size and scale of the organ. In the future I will upload a hopefully near perfect performance of the toccata but I hope this is fine for now.

A huge thank you to Ben Morris for registering and page turning; without him I would never have been able to control this monster of an organ!

I hope you enjoy!



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