Black Soil Hydrophobic & Fresh Chalk + I HAVE SEEN A MIRACLE💕💕

Описание к видео Black Soil Hydrophobic & Fresh Chalk + I HAVE SEEN A MIRACLE💕💕

Happy Monday! The first few fresh blocks were P chalk, someone commented that they had not been well acquainted with P chalk so here you are :). Some of the blocks are R and Q, I would say the last few ones.

Mass was refreshing yesterday. It is interesting because I experienced a miracle with my own eyes on Friday. Someone dear to me got their cancer diagnosis reversed. Her doctors said that after looking at her recent scans they could no longer see any more cancer activity in her body. This was after her being diagnosed just 3 months ago. At that time the cancer was so progressed that they couldn't surgically take it out. WOW. GOD IS SO GOOD. And let me tell you what I think happened here. I think what happened is that after twisting and turning and crying and shouting, this person and their whole family decided to TRUST in GOD. Our daily prayer was - Jesus, YOU take over. And i strongly and deeply believe that when we fully entrust things to God, guess what, He does take over. Remember He is God, the one who made the heavens and the earth, do you seriously believe there is something too much for Him to do? My faith says no, and my trust is the evidence of this.

Now, what does this mean for all those who do not experience such miracles? Does God love them less? Absolutely not. And that is why Mass yesterday was so powerful. God really speaks my friends. The second reading was about when St Paul told the Corinthians that he has a thorn in his side and he has asked God several times to take it away but it is not going. No one knows that this issue was but God was simply not relieving him of it. God said to St Paul - my grace is sufficient for you and my power is made perfect in your weakness. I was completely floored by this because what --? God's power can manifest and be made perfect in our WEAKNESS? In our PAIN? In our SUFFERING? My friends, that is exactly why I urge everyone going through something to ABANDON and SURRENDER any issue you have to GOD. He decides how to show His POWER. HE can intervene and do a miracle, or HE can make his Power perfect in your weakness. In all cases, HE will be glorified.

The Gospel reading taught us that Jesus was limited in doing miracles in his own hometown of Nazareth because His own people did not believe in Him. Again, showing us that our FAITH is part of the formulae. God can do everything but the fact that He asks us to work with Him, to have faith, shows how much he respects our will. What a God!

So the key takeway is in every situation, say, Jesus YOU takeover.    • Jesus, You Take Over - Great prayer a...  

Love you lovelies.



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