茄子豆腐炒肉碎,茄子和豆腐吸满了酱汁,还裹上满满的肉碎,非常的入味,超级的好吃又下饭,记得准备多一点的米饭 Stir fry minced meat with eggplant and tofu.

Описание к видео 茄子豆腐炒肉碎,茄子和豆腐吸满了酱汁,还裹上满满的肉碎,非常的入味,超级的好吃又下饭,记得准备多一点的米饭 Stir fry minced meat with eggplant and tofu.


材料: 2个茄子,3个蛋豆腐,200克肉碎,5瓣大蒜,1个小米椒,1把香菜


Stir fry minced meat with eggplant and tofu. Eggplant and tofu are full of sauce and covered with minced meat. It is very tasty and delicious. Remember to prepare more rice.

Ingredients: 2 eggplants, 3 egg tofu, 200g minced meat, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 millet pepper, 1 handful of coriander

1) Peel the eggplant and cut it into small strips, cut the egg tofu into small pieces, flatten the garlic and cut it into minced garlic, cut the millet pepper into rings, and cut the coriander into small sections

2) Coat the egg tofu with a layer of corn starch for later use

3) Pour more oil into the hot pan, add the eggplant after the oil is hot, and fry it over medium heat until slightly charred

4) Add the egg tofu and fry it over medium heat until golden brown

5) Leave a little oil in the pan, add the minced garlic and chili pepper to stir-fry, add the minced meat and stir-fry until it changes color, add a spoonful of bean paste, a spoonful of oyster sauce, and half a spoonful of dark soy sauce, stir-fry until it is colored, add the fried eggplant and egg tofu, stir-fry evenly, add about 300 ml of water, boil over high heat, cook until the sauce is thick, lastly add the coriander, stir quickly and ready to be serve


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