Touch & Go and Power-off 180 in the Fisher Celebrity 8-20-24

Описание к видео Touch & Go and Power-off 180 in the Fisher Celebrity 8-20-24

Experimenting with an Insta360 camera and audio recorder. Very gentle crosswind favoring runway 11 in Paynesville, MN (KPEX.) Took off using our unofficial '11L/28R' grass surface, performed a few touch and goes on the asphalt, and finished off the session with a power-off 180. The airplane is slow and draggy, but I overestimated its tendency to sink and turned prematurely, so I was inputting a varying amount of forward slip all the way down the base leg. I earned my Instrument rating last month, and I plan to start training for my Commercial certificate in a 172 when the weather gets too cold for the Fisher, so I'm trying to incorporate PO180s into every flight and be more conscious of my energy state.


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