Practical Kata Bunkai: How Pinan Shodan (Heian Nidan) teaches us to get past our enemy’s defences

Описание к видео Practical Kata Bunkai: How Pinan Shodan (Heian Nidan) teaches us to get past our enemy’s defences

This video briefly summarises how Pinan Shodan (Heian Nidan) teaches us to get past our enemy’s defences so we can strike the jaw and neck to knockout our enemy. The video shows how we progress from solo-form (kata) to application (bunkai) to flow-drill and then to free-drill.

The final free flowing drill helps us develop the ability to automatically get past the enemy’s attempts to defend their vulnerable areas – in accordance with the teachings of the kata – so we can deliver decisive strikes. The drill aims to isolate that specific skill set so that those methods and concepts can be applied as a matter of subconscious action in more open live drills, and from there in actual conflict.

It must always be remembered that kata, bunkai and flow-drills, while vitally important, are not enough without the live practise of the methods and principles encapsulated by the kata. It is vital we have many differing types of live drills in order to isolate specific skills; and then give those skills free reign in live drills which seek to mimic the totality of self-defence situations.

As is always the case with short videos such as this, the uninitiated are not going to be able to understand how the methods shown in the video fit into the wider training matrix. A five minute video is no subsite for hands on instruction. It is therefore important to remember this clip is simply bullet points from a much more in-depth program of training. I nevertheless hope you find it of interest.

All the best,



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