Yves Klein 伊夫·克萊因 (1928-1962) Nouveau Realisme Minimalism Zero French

Описание к видео Yves Klein 伊夫·克萊因 (1928-1962) Nouveau Realisme Minimalism Zero French

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Yves Klein 1928-1962 French artist chiefly noted for his blue monochrome paintings and for his audacious experiments with new techniques and new attitudes to art. Born in Nice; both his parents were painters. Began to paint in the late 1940s and formulated his first monochrome theories. Lived in Japan 1952-3. Became expert at judo, which he later taught in Spain and in Paris, where he lived from 1955. First public one-man exhibition at the Galerie des Solitaires, Paris, 1955. Early monochrome pictures in orange, yellow, pink, red and green, but from 1957 worked mainly in blue; also made from 1960 a number of monogolds, with gold leaf. Murals for the opera house at Gelsenkirchen 1957-9. Began in 1957 to experiment with fire paintings and 'immaterial zones of sensibility', and in 1958 with 'Anthropométries' made by a nude model pressing herself against the canvas under his direction. Member of the group Nouveaux Réalistes with Arman, Raysse, Spoerri, Tinguely, Pierre Restany and others 1960. Died in Paris of a heart attack, at the age of 34.
Yves Klein 伊夫·克萊因 1928-1962 法國藝術家主要是指出他的藍色單色繪畫和他與新的技術和新的態度,以藝術大膽實驗。出生在尼斯;他的父母都是畫家。始於20世紀40年代末到油漆和提出了他的第一個單色的理論。在日本生活1952-3。成為專家在柔道,後來他在西班牙和巴黎,在那裡他從1955年首次公開一個人的展覽住在畫廊DES紙牌,巴黎教,橙色,黃色,粉紅色,紅色和綠色的1955年早期的黑白圖片,但是從1957年的工作以藍色為主;也是從1960年提出了一些monogolds的,有金箔。壁畫在蓋爾森基興1957-9歌劇院。從1957年開始用火繪畫和'感性的無形區“進行實驗,並於1958年與一裸體模特按自己對他的領導下帆布製造”人體測量“。該組阿爾曼,Raysse,施珀裡,湯格利新貴Réalistes成員,皮埃爾里斯坦尼等人1960年在巴黎去世,一個心臟發作,時年34歲。


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