Mega Man 6 - Mr. X's Fortress : Stage 1

Описание к видео Mega Man 6 - Mr. X's Fortress : Stage 1

Now it is time to pursue the evil Mr. X... who is totally NOT Wily! I mean... Wily does not have a beard! Yup, by scientific reasoning there is no way he can be Wily! ahem Anyways... the first of Mr. X's fortress stages is actually... incredibly short. Now that we have moved onto the fortress stages as well, I shall start using my weapons freely, although me being me I tend to stick to the buster and Rush adaptors anyways... except for bosses. There is also a really large, but tricky to reach, short-cut in this stage as well. Naturally I take it since I want to show this rarely-taken route to you all~

The boss of this stage is a bit on the strange side... but thankfully it is rather easy to take down with its weakness. Just be careful to not get yourself pinned hopelessly into a corner and you should be fine.



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