Mega Man 3 - Gemini Man's Stage

Описание к видео Mega Man 3 - Gemini Man's Stage

Wooo~ Just finished recording another game for the line-up. looks That brings me up to 5 more games recorded after Mega Man 3~ ...I think I am a bit ahead of myself, hehe .XD Now then... today we move onto Gemini Man's stage, and it is a bit of an odd one. It is colourful, has a bunch of little things that resemble tadpoles to blast, amongst other oddities. Giant penguins shooting little penguins at you... yeah... this level's a little messed up.

Gemini Man himself is actually fairly easy if you use a correct strategy... which I did not. Do note to never fire unless one Gemini Man is on the floor and the other is in the air to avoid very risky situations. Once Gemini Man's double is defeated, if you are using Search Snakes you will likely wipe out the remaining Gemini Man without even letting him shoot.

Not much to say today, so...



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