Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - Classic Mode - Pac-Man (9.0 Intensity)

Описание к видео Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - Classic Mode - Pac-Man (9.0 Intensity)

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"Sigh..." Palutena said, not sighed. "Is this what Smash Bros. has become for third parties?"

Chris and Pac-Man exchanged glances and looked at her. "Er, what does she mean by that?" Pac-Man asked.

The goddess crossed her arms. "It's like Smash Bros. it's a great second chance for the third parties involved that are falling in popularity. We all know Sonic is suffering from some severe ups and downs at his company, Mega Man is treated like he doesn't even exist to his company, and Pac-Man has been reduced to join that channel where sitcoms plague the entire network with sub-par cartoons," she said, really risking many arguments from being made at this video's comment page. "Has it come to this? Is my new boss the only kind person who has decided to give them the real interpretation they all sought for?"

"...Holy crap, Palutena. That's a little too deep to bring up," Chris said.

"I like being deep," the goddess said. "But what does Pac-Man have to say to that?"

The two of them just noticed Pac-Man was in a fetal position on the floor, eyes frozen with horror.

"Oops," Palutena muttered. "Perhaps I was a little too deep..."

"And there's no way I'm letting you walk off without getting punished for breaking his spirits," Chris said. "You better fix him up for our next conversation or else the fans will kill you...and murder me by accident in the chaos."

"Fine, I'll fix him up," she said with a smile. "Hey, Pac-Man. I like your cartoon, even if the music makes it hard for me to focus on your quirky characters whose personalities are the same as the other characters in those sitcoms."

"(Aw, hell. This is going to take a while...)" Chris thought ashamed.

Key Notes:
- I really adore Pac-Man in this game. I will happily replace Sonic's bland move set full of curling balls for Pac-Man's really original one.
- Charge his B move whenever you can during Master Core. It does deal a lot of damage.

Watch, enjoy, and comment, everyone.


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