Evolution Of Criminal Case Songs + Maps and Districts

Описание к видео Evolution Of Criminal Case Songs + Maps and Districts

Criminal Case Seasons Districts
Grimsborough (Season 1) (6 Districts) 0:05
1. Industrial Area (11 Cases)
2. Financial Center (10 Cases)
3. Historical Center (10 Cases)
4. University (10 Cases)
5. Maple Heights (10 Cases)
6. Airport (5 Cases)

Pacific Bay (Season 2) (10 Districts) 2:55
1. Ocean Shore (5 Cases)
2. Bayou Bleu (5 Cases)
3. Inner City (7 Cases)
4. Jazz Town (7 Cases)
5. White Peaks (6 Cases)
6. Ivywood Hills (8 Cases)
7. Rhine Canyon (7 Cases)
8. Innovation Valley (5 Cases)
9. Paradise City (6 Cases)
10. The Wastes (3 Cases)

Save The World (Season 3) (9 Districts)
1. Europe (6 Cases)
2. Sahara Region (6 Cases)
3. Eurasia (6 Cases)
4. South Asia (6 Cases)
5. East Asia (6 Cases)
6. Oceania (6 Cases)
7. Africa (6 Cases)
8. South America (6 Cases)
9. North America (8 Cases)

Mysteries of the Past (Season 4) (10 Districts)
1. New Haven
2. Elysium Fields
3. Century Mile
4. Sinner's End
5. Coyote Gorge
6. Crimson Banks
7. Wolf Street
8. Grim Chapel
9. Ivory Hill
10. Capitol Peak
All districts have 6 cases

The Conspiracy (Season 5) (10 Districts)
1. Fairview
2. Money Mile
3. The Greens
4. Old Town
5. Maple Heights
6. Misty Grove
7. University
8. Spring Fields
9. Airport
10. Newmark
All districts have 6 cases

Travel in Time (Season 6) (7 Districts)
1. Ancient Times (47 BCE) (5 Cases)
2. The 1960s (5 Cases)
3. Renaissance (1515) (5 Cases)
4. Altered Present (2029) (5 Cases)
5. Age of Sail (1719) (5 Cases)
6. Medieval Asia (1235) (5 Cases)
7. The End (47 BCE) (1 Case)

Supernatural Investigations (Season 7) (6 Districts)
1. West
2. Southwest
3. Rockies
4. Midwest
5. East
6. South
All districts have 5 cases

City of Romance (Season 8) (6 Districts)
1. Fantasy (5 Cases)
2. Attraction (5 Cases)
3. Obsession (3 Cases)
4. Jealousy (2 Cases)
5. Separation (1 Case)
6. Engagement (1 Case)

Both Grimsborough and Save The World seasons have 56 cases each
Pacific Bay has 59 cases
Both Mysteries of the Past and The Conspiracy have 60 cases each
Travel in Time has 31 cases
Supernatural Investigations has 30 cases
City of Romance has 17 cases

Congratulations you made it to the end hope you didn't get bored :)


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