Wide Receiver Competition Drill | Weave & Curl

Описание к видео Wide Receiver Competition Drill | Weave & Curl

No competition, no progress! Here is a drill that focuses on competing, weaving & stemming, and curl routes. As a wide receiver it is imperative that we stem out of our releases or during our route so that we can gain leverage on the defensive back. Good receivers are able to weave and work angles to give themselves the best opportunity to win the route.

Part 1: Weave & Stem. You are going to weave through the cones and stay as tight to them as possible. At the very bottom you are going to figure 8, which starts your first Curl breakdown.

Part 2: When you figure 8 at the bottom you are going to work your first Curl. When you run a Curl you come out of your break at a 45° angle. However, for the first Curl you are coming out of your break doing a 180 to work back to the cone above you, which makes it more difficult and improves your Curl breaks since you are practicing at a much tighter change of direction.

Part 3: After doing the first Curl break and making a 180, you need to work up to the cone above you for the final Curl breakdown. This Curl breakdown will be a normal Curl at 45° to work back towards the quarterback. Run out of your break and attack the ball.

Check out our previous drill video to learn "Hand Combat":
   • Wide Receiver Hand Combat Drill  

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