Meetup 101: Building a Thriving Community

Описание к видео Meetup 101: Building a Thriving Community

Thinking about starting a group? Want to learn some tips to help improve engagement within your community? We’re here to help! Meetup has a variety of tools to help organizers bring communities together. We’re giving our organizers an all-access pass to learn from our Customer Support Specialists at Meetup during this demonstration.

Join Irina Demchenko and Alissa Purcell from Meetup’s Community Support team, as they answer common questions including how to foster engagement within a group, how to schedule a recurring event, and other advice on how to optimize your Meetup experience. You’ll leave with the confidence to build a thriving community.

Check out the Community Matters blog for the latest updates and stories from the Meetup community.

[Meetup Live Recording, 8/3/21]


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