Описание к видео RED BARON

Techno inspired by hard/industrial/experimental formats.

Part inspiration was noticing a crushed radio chatter like sound/signal in the mix. This sent me off looking for samples that I might be able to use but I didn't find any and somehow ran into the story of the Red Baron, which I found interesting since he was buried with full military honours, by the opposition no less. Apparently there was some honour, or respect, among military foes back then at least in the airforces... a slightly different story in the trenches, but there is everyones favourite Xmas story, that of the two sides in the trenches calling a brief truce, against orders, and socialising and playing football. So the video had a bit of a red theme applied also. Using my own base visualiser program prior to post production, etc..

Maybe this could be a good track to prepare for going out to paint the town! No prizes for suggestion of the color.

The drum seems hopelessly out, though I think that is the randomness setting still directed by the main clock. It was the raw robotic machine sound of the top layer that interests me most.

Cteated with Eurorack. Starting to understand the NerdSeq a little better.

Philosophy time, or something like that...

Abstract art such as Rothko's 'Red' paintings could be a good backdrop for the repetitive nature of Techno, much more than say classical works. Jeff Mills' espoused that a repetitive sequence would run for approximately just over two minutes before the dancefloor would relax, knowing that they they had the dance rythm down and would not need to change step, for instance. I guess that Rothko's works have a similay pschological effect, in that the viewer can take in much of the detail in one sitting and then after some time will relax into the painting, then only the nuances of the strokes or slight textural or color variations pull the viewer further into the painting and the artists meaning.

Philosophically there is some theory among artists that the inspiration is external to our standard plane of understanding. For instance those that feel it is the musician that is being played, or artists such as Michelangelo believing that the sculture was already inside the marble and it was God who used the artist to reveal it.

The Visual Arts are light based whereas, obviously, musical arts are sound based. At source both may come into being simultaneously in the evolution of the artforms, so for instance the paintings of Rothko and the Techno music of Jeff Mills may in one plane exist simultaneously. However, then the artists reception of these artforms are still staggered by some physical forces such as light moving faster through dimensions than sound. Hence maybe the visual arts and artists receive related information ahead of the aural arts and artists.

So whats the moral of theis philisophical idea... well really that Techno is in its self a high art of our time, on the same level with Rothko and others of their time, and that essentially they are both sourced from the same inspirational mould.

Together this makes me feel that I should maybe consider doing a series of 'Color' expressions; i.e. make some sounds and see if they evoke a sense of color and record these along with a visual representaion in the video. Ah, if only time and physics were that simple;


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