Park Ranger gives tour of Alderman's Ford Conservation Park, Hillsborough County Florida near Tampa

Описание к видео Park Ranger gives tour of Alderman's Ford Conservation Park, Hillsborough County Florida near Tampa

A Hillsborough County Park Ranger gives an exclusive riding tour of Alderman's Ford Conservation Park, about 40 mins outside of Tampa, Florida.

In 1848, settler James Alderman built his homestead south of the Alafia River in Lithia. He fashioned a crossing by cutting down the steep banks of the river, creating Alderman’s Ford. This historic site is now home to Alderman’s Ford Conservation Park, a hot spot for hikers and nature enthusiasts. It's also home to a plethora of Florida wildlife including Alligator, Osprey, Red Tailed Hawk, Red Shouldered Hawk, Barred Owl, Armadillo, Rattlesnake, Coral Snake, Bobcat, and the elusive Florida Panther.

The park's most popular attraction is a 1.8 mile paved looped trail that follows the north and south prongs of the Alafia River-- one of the most popular canoe spots in the state. The loop, which is hiker, dog walker, and bicycle friendly, links with a boardwalk and foot bridges, leading into shaded woods of gigantic cypress and live oak trees.

Visit Alderman's Ford Conservation Park and the rest of Hillsborough County's sixteen conservation parks.


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