雖然羡慕頂流,但是做好閆佩倫就好 Although I envy the top class, it is good to be Yan Peilun well

Описание к видео 雖然羡慕頂流,但是做好閆佩倫就好 Although I envy the top class, it is good to be Yan Peilun well

閆佩倫自幼出生在一個偏遠城市,兒時缺少父母的陪伴,吃百家飯長大,因此很小就學會了察言觀色。 大二時誤打誤撞步入喜劇賽道,並由此開始了漫長的喜劇演員之路。 但這條路並不像他想像中的那樣順利,在最低谷時期,他甚至連「屍體」都演不上,那段日子他交不起房租,吃不上飯,身體也接連出現問題...
為了鍛煉演技,他最多一天看五部電影。 後來隨著病情慢慢好轉,閆佩倫和搭檔一起參加了《一年一度喜劇大賽》,在此期間他逐漸展現出喜劇天賦。 後來閆佩倫繼續憑藉著一腔熱愛走上了《喜人奇妙夜》的舞臺。 在長年積澱下,這一次閆佩倫終於憑借著對喜劇的獨到見解與演技的精心打磨,成功以配角身份嶄露頭角...
Yan Peilun, who was rated by fans on the comedy stage as the actor with the best chance of becoming Wu Mengda.
Yan Peilun was born in a remote city since he was a child, and he grew up eating hundreds of meals when he was a child, so he learned to read words and emotions at a very young age. In his sophomore year, he stumbled into the comedy track and began a long road as a comedian. But the road was not as smooth as he imagined, and at the lowest point, he couldn't even play the "corpse", and during that time he couldn't pay the rent, couldn't eat, and had physical problems one after another...
In order to practice his acting skills, he watches up to five movies a day. Later, as his condition slowly improved, Yan Peilun participated in the "Annual Comedy Competition" with his partner, during which he gradually showed his comedy talent. Later, Yan Peilun continued to walk on the stage of "Joyful and Wonderful Night" with his love. After years of accumulation, this time Yan Peilun finally relied on his unique insights into comedy and careful polishing of acting skills, and successfully emerged as a supporting role...
"True ·" series
The 765th respondent, Yan Peilun, is a comedian


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