脫不花:很多領導,捨不得誇下屬“幹得漂亮”Take off the flowers: many leaders are reluctant to praise ...

Описание к видео 脫不花:很多領導,捨不得誇下屬“幹得漂亮”Take off the flowers: many leaders are reluctant to praise ...

脫不花首次螢幕前落淚,堅毅果決的女強人的生活B面什麼樣? 19歲便開啟職場生涯的她一路開掛,職場中的佼佼者也有自我反省與柔弱的一面,錘鍊多年,作為管理者脫不花凝練了諸多心得:“太多領導吝嗇說一句'幹得漂亮'。 ”
而在生活中,她是媽媽、是女兒、是妻子,亦要面對柴米油鹽與生活中的風暴。 其實,努力生活的每個人都應該獎勵自己一句“幹得漂亮”。
Shedding tears in front of the screen for the first time, what is the B side of the life of a resolute and resolute strong woman? She started her career at the age of 19 all the way, and the best in the workplace also have a self-reflection and weak side, tempered for many years, as a manager, she has condensed a lot of experience: "Too many leaders are stingy and say 'do a good job'." ”
In life, she is a mother, a daughter, and a wife, and she also has to face firewood, rice, oil, salt and the storms in life. In fact, everyone who works hard should reward themselves with a sentence of "well done".
"Entrepreneurship New Knowledge Bureau"
The 732nd respondent, who is an entrepreneur


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