/ @huntingarcher
#肇慶 #美食 #旅遊
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/16RroGsGwVcAn...
餐廳消費:生滾肉片粥 ¥10,裹蒸粽 ¥8.8,蔥油餅 ¥5,招牌大蝦餃 ¥15
1912年(民國元年),廣東廢府設綏靖處,肇慶地域稱為肇羅綏靖處。 1920年肇慶屬西區善後督辦處(轄地不變,下同);1923年改為綏靖處,肇慶稱西區綏靖處。 1925年肇慶為西江行政區。 1932年春,設西北區綏靖委員會公署,駐曲江縣,設行署於高要縣。 1936年春,改為廣東省第三區行政督察專員公署,駐高要縣,轄區未變。 1938年10月,設西江行署,轄原第一、三行政督察區,駐廣寧縣,轄區不變。
抗戰爆發、廣州被日軍佔領後,肇慶頻繁遭到日軍空襲。 1944年9月10日,日軍第23軍第104師團、第22師團、獨立混成第22旅團:117等在田中久一指揮下,分兵四路,沿西江向肇慶等地發動攻擊(豫湘桂會戰桂柳戰役)。 9月16日下午,日軍佔領肇慶,直到翌年8月日本投降為止。
1947年為年為第四專署行政督察區,駐地高要縣。 1949年5月,廣東省重新劃分政區,第十一區駐高要縣;第十二區駐鬱南都城。
1949年10月18日,中國人民解放軍進駐肇慶;11月,西江行政督察專員公署,轄高要、四會、廣寧、封川、開建、德慶、鬱南、羅定、雲浮、新興、高明等11縣及肇慶市(縣級)。 1950年3月,改稱廣東省西江區行政督察專員公署;9月,改稱廣東省人民政府西江區專員公署。 1952年12月撤銷西江區專員公署,設立粵中區行政專員公署,管轄高要、廣四、封川開建、德慶、鬱南、羅定、雲浮、新興、高明9縣及肇慶市。
1956年2月,設高要專區行政專員公署。 1958年4月,肇慶由高要縣析出,改鎮為市(縣級);12月,高要專區改稱江門專區,從佛山專區劃入新會、台山、開平(含恩平)、高鶴4縣及江門市;1959年12月,肇慶由市改為鎮,併入高要縣。 1961年3月,恢復肇慶市(縣級)建制;4月,江門專區更名為肇慶專區。 1963年5月,新會、台山、開平、恩平、高鶴5縣和江門市劃歸佛山區。
1968年3月,成立肇慶專區革命委員會。 1970年10月,肇慶專區改稱為肇慶地區。 1979年4月,成立肇慶地區行政公署。
On November 9, 1911 (September 19, the third year of the Xuantong reign of the Qing Dynasty), the commander of the Zhaoyangluodao Patrol Battalion stationed in Zhaoqing, Long Shichu, and the captain Li Yaohan, etc., announced the independence of Zhaoqing under the persuasion of the local Tongmenghui.
In 1912 (the first year of the Republic of China), Guangdong abolished the prefecture and established the Pacification Office, and the Zhaoqing area was called the Zhaoluo Pacification Office. In 1920, Zhaoqing belonged to the West District Post-war Supervision Office (the jurisdiction remained unchanged, the same below); in 1923, it was changed to the Pacification Office, and Zhaoqing was called the West District Pacification Office. In 1925, Zhaoqing was the Xijiang Administrative District. In the spring of 1932, the Northwest District Pacification Committee Office was established, stationed in Qujiang County, and the executive office was set up in Gaoyao County. In the spring of 1936, it was changed to the Third District Administrative Inspectorate of Guangdong Province, stationed in Gaoyao County, and the jurisdiction remained unchanged. In October 1938, the Xijiang Executive Office was established, which governed the original first and third administrative inspection districts, stationed in Guangning County, and the jurisdiction remained unchanged.
After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War and the occupation of Guangzhou by the Japanese army, Zhaoqing was frequently attacked by Japanese air raids. On September 10, 1944, the 104th Division, 22nd Division, 22nd Independent Mixed Brigade, 117th, etc. of the 23rd Army of the Japanese Army, under the command of Tanaka Hisaichi, divided their troops into four routes and launched an attack along the West River to Zhaoqing and other places (the Battle of Henan, Hunan and Guangxi, the Battle of Guiliu). On the afternoon of September 16, the Japanese army occupied Zhaoqing until Japan surrendered in August of the following year.
In 1947, it was the Fourth Special Administrative District, stationed in Gaoyao County. In May 1949, Guangdong Province redivided its political regions, with the 11th District stationed in Gaoyao County and the 12th District stationed in Yunan Capital.
On October 18, 1949, the Chinese People's Liberation Army entered Zhaoqing; in November, the Xijiang Administrative Inspectorate was established, which governed 11 counties including Gaoyao, Sihui, Guangning, Fengchuan, Kaijian, Deqing, Yunan, Luoding, Yunfu, Xinxing, Gaoming and Zhaoqing City (county level). In March 1950, it was renamed the Administrative Inspectorate of Xijiang District, Guangdong Province; in September, it was renamed the Xijiang District Commissioner's Office of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government. In December 1952,
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00:00 Intro
00:27 肇慶星湖空中航拍視角
04:17 附近飯店推薦/星酒店/當地最豪華
08:59 電車充電12元開120公里
11:22 中華茶樓/讀餐牌時間
14:23 生滾肉片粥/裹蒸粽/蔥油餅/招牌大蝦餃
26:09 當地最大早市/物價如何?
41:06 Ending
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