Join Dr. Samantha for this interactive pregnancy Q&A session where she'll be answering your pregnancy questions live. This week's topics include Antibiotics During Pregnancy, Pregnancy Bleeding, Pregnancy Blood Pressure, Breast Milk Storage, Pregnancy Carpal Tunnel, Cerclage, Cholestasis, Drying Up Milk, Infection During Pregnancy, IVF, Preterm Labor, Second Trimester Bleeding, Pregnancy Super Foods, Pregnancy Swelling, Pregnancy UTIs, Yeast Infection During Pregnancy.
A big thank you to the viewers who submitted questions for this week's live: @Akki_Reddy08, @annettekaben2237, @BotweyMary, @chetandeo, @Cris-sx4ib, @cyrajeancabusas17, @DeeptiSNair, @eschelannnicolas1397, @faryalkokab6092, @kalahhewitt5689, @margaretngugi2001, @michaelthuch1817, @moxie86, @Oogochi, @payelchakraborty2023, @raindah1805, @rodwellsinyinza.
Whether you're dealing with first trimester symptoms or have concerns about labor and delivery, Dr. Samantha is here to provide expert medical advice for expecting mothers. This live pregnancy chat offers real-time answers to all your pressing pregnancy questions. From morning sickness remedies to safe pregnancy exercises, no question is off limits in this doctor Q&A session. Don't miss this chance for personalized pregnancy advice from a trusted OB-GYN.
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* This video is intended to provide educational information and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, text, graphics, images, and information contained in this video is for educational purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own healthcare provider. Please discuss all medical issues and concerns with your healthcare provider*
Dr. Samantha, PMHNP-BC, DNP
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