Wales Explorer - Day 5

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Wales Explorer Day 5 (final day)
Llandrindod Wells to Cwmtwrch

My Welsh adventure has come to an end. And what a week it’s been! We’ve covered a lot of ground and seen incredible places… but even more, I’ve stretched my riding skills and done things that previously I would not have thought I could.

Two interesting things greeted me this morning - first, I had a new bike. Apparently good ole’ 54 had developed an oil leak around the header casings so they took her home in the van. Instead, I got the keys to 58 - shiny and clean, but not for long.

Second, they split us into two groups and I got selected for the A team. 😀 It’s the first time and I have to admit I was a bit nervous, but I had been riding well this week so thought I’d give it a crack. We took off and were straight into it - yesterday we did a long scrabbly descent into town so today we reversed it and rode up it. Nerve wracking, but we all managed to make it up in one go… despite me making more than one really crappy line selection.

The rest of the day was pretty straightforward - we would join the others every now and then, then break off to tackle something a bit more challenging. It was good as we were not being held up by some of the slower riders, so the pace was pretty quick. Fun!

All good things must end, though, and we finally landed back at The Old Tredegar. It’s been a great tour, the ORS team really put on a top-notch ride. And our riding companions have been great fun to spend time with.


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