BEAST WARS "Transmetal 2 Blackarachnia"

Описание к видео BEAST WARS "Transmetal 2 Blackarachnia"

Depth Charge scans the driver, and finds that it's a device of alien nature that has been altered by Megatron. He decides to destroy the device by tossing it into some lava, but once Depth Charge's back is turned, Blackarachnia catches the device before it is immolated. Blackarachnia is setting up some equipment that will convert her into a Transmetal 2. However, Silverbolt detects Blackarachnia's energy signature, and, not understanding, pulls her from the machine. As Blackarachnia berates Silverbolt, she short circuits. Heading to the Maximal base, Rhinox concludes that the shell program is starting to degrade, and will erase her core consciousness if not treated soon. They begin the shell removal, but it has safe guards that will destroy Blackarachnia's core consciousness. Rhinox is able to destroy the first one. At his lair, Tarantulas discovers the removal process. He contacts Megatron, informing him of the situation. Inferno, Rampage, and Quickstrike are sent under Tarantulas to attack the Maximals. Rhinox is almost finished, but two more power surges head for her core consciousness. Rhinox blasts one, but Tarantulas fires a rocket which causes Rhinox to miss the other surge, which hits Blackarachnia's core consciousness and extinguishes her spark. The Transmetal driver begins to glow over Blackarachia. Preparing to strike the killing blow, Rampage is stopped—by Blackarachnia, now a Transmetal 2. Blackarachnia quickly defeats Rampage.


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