BEAST WARS "Transmetal Optimus Primal"

Описание к видео BEAST WARS "Transmetal Optimus Primal"

Primal soon reaches the Planet Buster and gives the order to blow the hatch seals, but the hatch is sealed and locked! Megatron appears on his comm screen to gloat. As the timer counts down to zero, Primal pounds on the sealed hatch, to no avail. The transwarp cell explodes, and high above the planet, the Planet Buster is annihilated... along with the pod ship and Optimus Primal. Rhinox hooks himself up to some equipment for an unnamed purpose. Rhinox, who has finished, tells the Maximals they must hold the Predacons off. Inside the Axalon, a charge hits the device Rhinox was connected to, heading to a stasis pod with a blank protoform. Outside, the shields fail under the fire. The Predacons seriously injure the Maximals. The Predacons approach, prepared to deliver the killing blow. Before they can finish the Maximals off, there is an explosion in the hull of the Axalon. When the smoke clears, the Maximals and Predacons alike are shocked to see the cause of the explosion—Optimus Primal. The Predacons attempt to destroy him, but Primal, now with his own Transmetal body, causes the Predacons to scatter. Primal takes to the air, dispatching the rest of the Predacons. Megatron attempts to kill Primal, but Silverbolt knocks Megatron off a cliff, defecting to the Maximals.


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