Unity® Sleeveless Vacuum - Darrel Sparke’s Story

Описание к видео Unity® Sleeveless Vacuum - Darrel Sparke’s Story

Meet Darrel, a 44 year old amputee, IT Professional, Taekwondo Instructor and family man. He has been an amputee for 39 years after losing his lower right leg in a machinery accident when he was just 5 years old. Darrel works at an energy utility in Newcastle and leads an active life with his family, playing sport, and developing new challenges for himself.

“The Unity system with a Seal-In® V liner and paired to the Re-Flex Shock™ I am unstoppable! It gives me confidence, performance and a comfort I never had before.” - Darrel on being introduced to the Unity® Vacuum System in 2014.

Growing up in a small farming community surrounded by great family support, Darrel was just like any other boy, constantly on the go, with hobbies such as motor bike riding, BMX, tennis, hockey, hiking and anything that involved an adventure.

Darrel can now train for hours, be on his feet all day at work, chase his kids around the park or go for a 5km jog with his wife and be confident that the system will keep up with him.


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