
Описание к видео 【本気のタコス】コーントルティーヤ&NO.1人気タコスの具を自宅でトライしてみませんか?|メキシコ大使館直伝

メキシコ大使館レシピ再生リスト:   • メキシコ大使館  

00:00 紹介ムービー
1:05 唐辛子の特徴~ 唐辛子の下処理
1:26 材料一覧 パストールタコス
3:15 パストールタコスの作り方
7:45 トルティージャの作り方
8:50 材料一覧 トルティージャ


ぬるま湯 1カップ半
用意するもの 底が平らな丈夫な皿やバット

豚肉 しょうが焼き用3~4切れ
トルティーヤ 12枚
玉ねぎ (スライス) 各1/4個
カットパイナップル 6~12個
パクチー(飾り) 少々

玉ねぎ 1/4個
にんにく 1かけ
ローリエの葉 1枚
シナモンスティック 1/2本
ビネガー 50㏄
クミンパウダー 少々
塩・胡椒 少々



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Learn how to make traditional tacos al pastor, including the Adobo sauce and marinated pork, with a step-by-step tutorial from the Mexican Embassy. The recipe also includes caramelized onions and roasted pineapple for added flavor. Finish the tacos with homemade corn tortillas for an authentic taste of Mexico.

[00:00] In this section, the chef demonstrates how to make the Adobo sauce for tacos al pastor.
- The Adobo sauce is made with dried chili peppers, vinegar, spices, garlic, and onion.
- The chef removes the seeds from the chili peppers to control the spiciness.
- The hydrated chili peppers are blended with some of the liquid used for hydration to make the Adobo sauce.

[02:28] The video demonstrates how to marinate pork meat with Adobo sauce for tacos.
- Thin slices of pork are seasoned with salt and pepper before adding the Adobo sauce.
- The Adobo sauce is made with spices such as cinnamon, bay leaves, and vinegar.
- The marinated pork should be refrigerated for at least 30 minutes to enhance the flavors.

[05:01] This section demonstrates how to prepare the ingredients for alpastor tacos at home.
- The pork meat needs to be marinated and sliced thinly.
- Pineapple is roasted to add a sweet flavor to the taco.
- The meat is grilled until cooked, then chopped.
- The caramelized onion, meat, and roasted pineapple are combined in a pan.

[07:39] The video demonstrates how to make the corn dough for tortillas from scratch.
- Traditional tortillas are made from corn grain.
- The corn dough should have a specific texture.
- If the dough is dry, more water can be added.
- After making the corn dough, it should be separated into small bowls.

[10:16]To shape the tortillas, place a plastic bag on a plate, press it in the middle, and remove the bag to get the tortilla shape.
- Cook the tortilla in a nonstick fry pan for around 14-15 seconds on each side.
- The tortilla will become fluffy and have air pockets when cooked.
- Use the tortilla to make a taco with cardal, Pastor, pineapple, and salsa for an authentic taste of Mexico.

Interested in making some amazing traditional tacos al pastor? Let's get right into it. First, we'll prepare the game-changing Adobo sauce and marinate the pork for maximum flavor. The caramelized onions and roasted pineapple add a delicious twist, while homemade corn tortillas are essential for an authentic taste.

Feeling overwhelmed? The Mexican Embassy offers a simple step-by-step tutorial to guide you through the process. Gather your ingredients and let's create some mouthwatering tacos al pastor in your own kitchen. Your taste buds will thank you, and you'll become the hero of taco night.

¡Aprende a hacer tacos al pastor tradicionales con esta receta paso a paso de la Embajada de México! Primero, prepara la deliciosa salsa de adobo y luego marina la carne de cerdo para obtener el sabor auténtico. No te olvides de incluir cebolla caramelizada y piña asada para darle un toque extra de sabor. Y para completar la experiencia, no puede faltar unas tortillas de maíz caseras. ¡Con esta receta, podrás disfrutar de unos deliciosos tacos al pastor como si estuvieras en México!


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