Ambient7 // DAWless Setup - 2600 Blue Marvin, Korg MS-20, Korg Modwave, Monome Norns, FX Pedals

Описание к видео Ambient7 // DAWless Setup - 2600 Blue Marvin, Korg MS-20, Korg Modwave, Monome Norns, FX Pedals

DAWless Ambient setup - Behringer 2600 Blue Marvin (arpeggio with MIDI from Arturia Keystep37), Korg MS-20 (lead pad), Korg Modwave (modulated bells), Monome Norns (field samples of birds, water, and rain), Expressive-E Touche (CV modulation for 2600 filter envelope), Meris Polymoon into TC Electronics Hall of Fame (2600), Hologram Microcosm into Strymon Mobius (MS-20), Zoom LiveTrak L8 (mixer/recording).

This was my attempt at an impromptu ambient jam today. As usual, on the fly and without a lot of preparation or editing. Just play around, come up with an idea and a few nice sounds. Have fun and record! There was a point in the middle where I let the Microcosm get away from me and it kind of screeched with resonance. Sorry about that if it hurts your ears. That's one of the drawbacks of not using a DAW or compression and editing. It is what it is, but not nearly as bad as some other recordings I've made in the past.

I love how how the instruments all fit together. I think my setup is really nice and except for a couple of things, it's complete to me. I would love to have a couple of more FX pedals to try, like the Soma Laboratory Cosmo and I kind of wish I hadn't sold the Ditto X4 I used to have, but for the most part things are pretty well set. I'm kind of drooling over the Tasty Chips GR-1 too, but you have to try and stop the urge to buy more and more and more sometime and just learn to use what you've got, right?!

So for as much as this was just an afternoon, having fun, and trying not too hard to make live DAWless jam with synthesizers and effects pedals, I think it turned out all right. I'm improving and I can hear the difference in my current recordings vs. a year ago. Mainly due to learning a lot from other people like Analog Kitchen, State Azure, Martin Sturtzer, and immersing myself in Ambient & Berlin School classics. It's been a real challenge trying to replicate concepts that I've learned from folks that mostly produce music with a DAW and VST's, but I'm getting better at it as I learn more about how to use my own equipment. Maybe you've experienced the same?

#slim_pkns #behringer2600 #dawless


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