Why Flower ID Is Important for Cannabis Production

Описание к видео Why Flower ID Is Important for Cannabis Production

Why Flower ID Is Important for Cannabis Production

Professor DeBacco

Female vs. Male Flowers
Cannabis produces distinctive male and female plants (dioecious plant).
Female flowers/plants produce the buds where the cannabinoids and terpenes are produced and the plants that are sought after.
Male flowers/plants produce pollen for seeds production.
Male plants need to be removed from the area of female plants to allow for female flowers to remain unpollinated and produce chemical compounds in the greatest concentration.
This is called sinsemilla (seedless)

Feminized Seed
Do you need to ID plants if you started with Feminized seed?
Without a doubt… yes!
Even if 99% of the seeds are female that still means 1 out of 100 will be male or 100 out of 10,000 plants.
So, in large growing fields it is very important as one male can produce high amounts of pollen and reduce the productivity of female plants drastically.

Large Growing Operations
In large plant production facilities, flower identification is very important as one male can “contaminate” many female plants.
Repeated walking of the fields is important to be sure to catch the males as soon as they can be visually identified.

Indoor Operations
One male in an indoor operation can quickly spread pollen especially via ventilation systems.

Ideally, with clones they should all be of known (female) gender, however, in some cases there can be odd male plants so knowing the difference is still important note.
In this case the producer of the clones should be contacted to inform them of your identification since this is not what would be expected.

Link to Lecture Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12iog...

420 Magazine Source Content by Slide Title:
Title: Why Flower ID is Important for Cannabis Production
Feminized Seed
Large Growing Operations
Indoor Operations

*Due to the description character limit the full work cited for "Why Flower ID Is Important for Cannabis Production" can be viewed at... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wW9k...


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