香港盆菜:慰藉思鄉的港人,細訴香港獨有味道|Appreciating Full Moon with Poon Choi

Описание к видео 香港盆菜:慰藉思鄉的港人,細訴香港獨有味道|Appreciating Full Moon with Poon Choi

中英文字幕 English Subtitles Available

Vivien 一直有個心願,希望能在英國經營一間港式茶餐廳,除了為思鄉的港人帶來真正的香港味道,也透過店內的繁體字、廣東歌,各種陳設裝潢,向不同的客人,細訴香港獨有的味道、文化和歷史。

BNO Visa 港人移民潮,意外地造就她的心願終於可以實現,她亦秉持初衷,開了一間「港味」餐廳 Aquila。

祖藉客家、家庭觀念濃厚的 Vivien,深明自己和不少在英港人,未知何時能有「回家」之日。今年中秋節她的餐廳推出家中傳承的盆菜,讓港人在異鄉一嚐「做節」滋味之餘,亦寄盼移居者,最終都能人月兩團圓。


Vivien has always had a dream of running a Hong Kong-style café in the UK. She hopes to bring the authentic taste of Hong Kong to fellow expatriates and, through the traditional Chinese characters, Cantonese songs, and various decorations in the café, share the unique flavors, culture, and history of Hong Kong with all her customers.

The unexpected wave of Hong Kong immigrants moving to the UK on BNO Visas has allowed her to finally realize this dream. Staying true to her original intentions, she has opened a restaurant named "Aquila" that embodies the "taste of Hong Kong."

Coming from a Hakka background and with a strong sense of family values, Vivien understands that, like many Hongkongers in the UK, she doesn't know when she will be able to "return home." This Mid-Autumn Festival, her restaurant introduced a family heirloom dish, Poon Choi, allowing Hongkongers abroad to savor the festive flavors of home while expressing the hope that all immigrants can ultimately be reunited with their loved ones.

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