香港雞煲帶來英國,移英港人用香港美食維繫離散的香港人|The Drifting Chicken Pot

Описание к видео 香港雞煲帶來英國,移英港人用香港美食維繫離散的香港人|The Drifting Chicken Pot

【本集配有中、英文字幕】【 With English subtitles】

陸陸雞煲火鍋66HOTPOT 經歷2019社會運動重生,卻捱不過疫情 政策,漂流到英國 再上征途。Sam以一人之力重建品牌 ,甚至挨家挨戶上門送雞煲、切肥牛、炸響鈴 ,成為遊走全英的漂流廚房 ,目標只是讓這個曾經獲得不少香港人支持的店舖延續下去。他自言過去幾年的經歷之後,品牌異地重生對他有更重要的意義 :雖然受到形勢多次打擊,重要的是不要就此認輸。


66 Hot Pot underwent a rebirth after the social movement in 2019, yet was unable to survive under the strict pandemic restrictions. It drifted to the UK and embarked on a new journey. Sam rebuilt the brand on his own. On top of delivery, he provides door-to-door services of slicing short ribs, deep-frying bean curd crusts, kind of wandering kitchen in the UK. He simply aims at keeping his store which had received lots of support from Hongkongers. With the experiences of the past few years, rebuilding the brand outside Hong Kong means a lot to him: he would never give up even though the environment had dealt a heavy blow to him.

▌"The Taste of Hong Kong" is not just about the form, spirit, and cooking techniques of the dishes, or the sensory message composed of five senses. It also contains the experiences, humanities, and emotions that come with the food, which are more profound and enduring than the external aspects. This is the taste that we hope to convey through the stories.

#綠豆 #香港味道 #移居英國 #漂流雞煲 #66雞煲 #香港文化 #GreenBeanMedia


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