Patria, Underwater Capabilities: Sonac ACS, Sonac DTS, ASW Training Target

Описание к видео Patria, Underwater Capabilities: Sonac ACS, Sonac DTS, ASW Training Target

Providing persistent littoral underwater surveillance systems that serve dominance for territorial integrity. Including sonar systems, autonomous and passive fixed surveillance, and acoustic minesweeping systems.

Patria’s acoustic mine sweep is designed for sweeping influence mines with advanced acoustic triggering. Its compact, lightweight size is designed for use with unmanned craft. The streamlined cylindrical tow body is designed to minimise drag while also allowing mounting onto an external frame or to be used together with a float. 


Patria SONAC ACS sweeps effectively both legacy sea mines and modern sea mines with advanced acoustic triggering. 

Patria SONAC ACS is able to produce high sound pressure over a large frequency range (from infra- to ultrasonic bands), essentially capable of effectively simulating any ship. Patria SONAC ACS is especially suitable for TSM (target simulation mode) because it can transmit any acoustic waveform signals. 

The command protocol of Patria SONAC ACS allows dynamic re-programming (i.e. changing the acoustic signature) and control of the settings and operation of the acoustic sweeping gear. The operator can either create a new or select a previously generated/recorded acoustic signal for each mission. The signal can then be sent to the sweeping gear. The protocol also allows the operator to monitor the operation and status of the acoustic sweep during the mission.


Patria SONAC DTS - The dual towed sonar system for Anti-Submarine operations

Patria SONAC DTS is a modern high performance sonar system for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) operations. The system is specifically designed for operations in littoral waters, for various vessel classes as well as for multipurpose vessels: The system is packed in removable 20-foot container that launches the two towed sonar systems: Variable Depth Sonar (VDS) and Towed Array Sonar (TAS).

Patria SONAC DTS is an optimal solution for littoral ASW-operations. It can be fitted into onboard frigates, corvette size vessels, patrol boats and unmanned vessels.

The sonars can be operated both separately and simultaneously enabling passive, monostatic and bi-static operation modes. The depth of the sonars as well as the transmission parameters can be adjusted optimally based on the Probability of Detection (PD). The system is optimized for medium frequency band and detection ranges up to 20km.

Patria SONAC DTS has modern interfaces for sonar operator, Combat Systems and Navigation System of Ship. Human Machine Interface (HMI) contains a comprehensive set of graphical analysis tools both in signal and in geographical domain for the sonar operator. Also, the launch and recovery of the sonars can be operated either from Sonar Operator Console or from the container. Both the state of the sonars and their positions can be also monitored on the deck.

Patria ASW Training Target

Patria ASW Training Target can execute multiple underwater missions simultaneously or separately that are pre-planned with Mission planning software. The AUV navigates the planned routes by using waypoints that trigger the execution of the desired mission types.

Patria ASW Training Target is a small and lightweight autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) that serves as a target for Anti-Submarine Warfare operational training.

The key capabilities of the system are based on high performance and wide bandwidth acoustic transmitters that are towed with proper spatial spacing by the AUV. The system can repeat received sonar pulse towards the sonar with proper phase shifting of the pulse as it were reflected from a total length of moving submarine. At the same time, Patria ASW Training Target can serve as training target for low weight homing torpedo system by repeating the torpedo pulses as they would reflect from a moving submarine.

Alternatively, Patria ASW Training Target can serve as attacking training target by transmitting the homing torpedo pulses from the waveform library of the device. While executing these tasks, Patria ASW Training Target can serve simultaneously as passive sonar target by transmitting the wide band acoustic signature of a submarine e.g., its propulsion noise.


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