How to Backside 360 on Flatground! | Flatground Skateboarding Tricks 18/100

Описание к видео How to Backside 360 on Flatground! | Flatground Skateboarding Tricks 18/100

Hey everyone, it’s jimmy tran and
In this video i will be showing you how to bs 360 on flat with no pivot at all.
I’ll be sharing with you my personal technique and one tweak that i did to land backside 360s clean on flat!

i have a lot of great information that i want to share with you in this video. So if you want to land a bs 360 on flat then keep watching.

This is my foot position for a backside 360.
All of my toes are hanging off the tail. It’s going to be awkward at first but hanging all of your toes off the tail will allow you to get a full 360 rotation on flat.

And my front foot is in the middle of the board and it’s slightly pointy.

Make sure your front foot isn’t covering the heelflip side of the board, otherwise it’ll impact the scoop of the backfoot.

You definitely want to have backside 180s down, but focus on doing a scoop with the 180 and try doing backside 180s with the foot position that i just shown you earlier.

You also want to be able to ollie at least 2 stacked decks because you’ll have to pop the tail hard to get a full 360 rotation on flat.

Another bs 180 you should learn is having your front foot slightly ahead of the board and sliding it up the heelflip side of the board.

You want to have your front leg slightly ahead of the board so that you can have some of your front shoes hanging off the board like this.

That’s because when you’re doing backside 360s, your front foot tends to get lost in the spin so having your front leg slightly ahead of the board helps keep it ontop of the board.

Take a look at my shoulders here. Notice how i’m swinging it in the kickflip side of the board first and then swinging it backside 180?

That’s what you want to do with your shoulders. Swing it to the kickflip side first to create momentum and then start swinging it backside to help you in getting the full 360 on flat.

With regards to the scoop. There’s really no other scoop like it. It’s not a 360 flip, a 360 pop shove it or an impossible.

It’s nice to know all of them, but i personally think a scoop for a backside 360 is in a category of its own.

You want to do the same scooping that you would for a backside 180 scoop but this time, you want to pop the tail harder, lean back more, and scoop forward harder.

And the momentum that you built with your shoulders will also help you in the full rotation.

You can try practicing on grass for a couple of trys and try swinging your shoulders, popping the tail harder, leaning back more and scooping forward harder just like i talked about earlier

Do this until you understand the scoop and then it’s time to commit to the real thing.
Ride at a comfortable speed and set up for a backside 360.

Start winding up your shoulders right before you squat down

As you squat down, start turning to 180 degrees

Only your upper body should be turning, your legs aren’t turning yet.

This is what you would see. You should be able to see your tail at this point.

As this is all happening, lean back

And you really need to pop hard and scoop the board hard

You should be sliding your front foot up the board just like a backside 180 and try to keep your front legs ahead of the board by focusing on sliding up to the heelflip side of the board.

If you do this all correctly, then you should be able to do the full 360 and land both feet back on the board.

One of the most common issues to backside 360s on flat is under rotating like this.

I think you can see what the problem is here and that’s because i’m not popping the board hard enough and not scooping the board hard enough.

So to fix that, you have to pop harder and scoop harder.

I didn’t want to pop and scoop harder too but once I committed to doing that, then that’s when i started getting full 360s.
The last common issue is landing with one foot like this.

And that’s because your front foot gets lost during the 360 spin.

As you can see here, i’m losing the front foot at the 270 degree mark.

And that’s because i’m scooping too fast and my front foot can’t catch up in time.

So instead of scooping slower, you want to slide your front foot to the heelflip side of the board when you’re doing a backside 360.

Your front shoe will land with some of the shoes hanging off the board like this and when you do the full 360 rotation, that extra inches will help your front foot stay ontop of the board.

So practice backside 180s where you’re sliding your front foot up to the heelflip side of the board so that your front leg can be just slightly ahead of the board.

And this should help solve the problem.

I really hope this backside 360 video was helpful and you learned something new today.

The main takeaways from this video is that you gotta wind up your shoulders, pop hard, lean back, scoop hard and make sure the front foot is ahead of the board

This is definitely a challenging trick to get on flatground. Keep practicing and remember what i taught you in this video and that backside 360 will get there.


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